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Recent Trade News

Chilean Economy Flourishes Amidst Global Expansion and Energy Transition, Despite Nickel Setbacks

The Indonesian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to report significant developments in Chile's economic landscape. The Bio Bio region recorded a 14.9% rise in exports in October 2024, amounting to USD 548.7 million, driven primarily by the industrial and silvoagropecuary sectors. The industrial sector alone accounted for USD 541.5 million, a 15.9% increase from October 2023, while the silvoagropecuary sector grew by 29.9% within the same period. However, other export sectors and fishing experienced a downturn.

In a move to further boost the Chilean economy, President Gabriel Boric has enacted the Energy Transition Law aimed at promoting renewable energy and job creation. This strategic move is expected to attract significant investments into the energy sector, subsequently enhancing the quality of life for Chileans.

Chilean salmon has also been making waves globally, expanding its reach to over 100 international markets and recording significant growth in emerging markets. This development reinforces Chile's position as a key player in the global seafood industry.

On the digital front, Chile is poised to take a leap in the digital economy. With all the key enabling factors in place, the country is ready to harness digitalization as a major driver of its economy. The fourth industrial revolution, led by Artificial Intelligence, presents a unique opportunity for Chile to create quality jobs and export opportunities through the digital economy. Achieving this, however, will require synergy between the productive sector, the state, and society.

Despite these promising developments, the mining sector has faced challenges. Nickel hit a four-year low due to the Federal Reserve's unenthusiastic outlook for the coming year, overshadowing potential significant cuts in Indonesian mining.

Lastly, the government has highlighted a peak in cherry shipments to Asia for the Chinese New Year, further showcasing the country's export prowess.

  • Exportaciones de Región del Bio Bio suben 14,9% en octubre - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Presidente Gabriel Boric promulga Ley de Transición Energética para impulsar renovables y empleo en Chile - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (Redimin.cl)
  • El salmón chileno amplía su alcance global con crecimiento en mercados emergentes (Salmonexpert.cl)
  • Chile y la economía digital: es hora de dar el salto (Elmostrador.cl)
  • Níquel toca mínimo de cuatro años ante pesimismo de la Fed y posibles recortes mineros en Indonesia - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (Redimin.cl)
  • Gobierno destaca "peak de envíos de cerezas" a Asia por el Año Nuevo chino | Economía | BioBioChile (Biobiochile.cl)

Robust Export Projections and Promising Sectors: A Glimpse into Chile's Economic Scenario

The Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture has been closely monitoring the economic developments in Chile. Several key sectors have shown promising growth and potential, which we believe are noteworthy.

OCDE's Economic Forecast

Adolfo Rodríguez-Vargas, the chief economist for Chile at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), has expressed confidence in Chile's export strength. The OECD has adjusted its projections for the Chilean economy, estimating a 2.4% expansion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) this year. However, it has also revised its forecasts for 2025 down from 2.5% in May to 2.3%. The changes for this year are due to an upward revision of the expansion of exports and a decrease in imports, while the recomposition of domestic demand would contribute slightly less to activity.

Chile's Third Industry: Aquaculture and Agriculture

The II Symposium "Sciences and Footprints of Agriculture", organized by the Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences of the Catholic University of Chile (UC) with the support of Salmones Antártica, highlighted the potential of creating a third industry in Chile combining aquaculture and agriculture. This initiative is backed by the Technological Program for the Local Production of Nutritional Inputs for Aquaculture (PTEC-INVA), a public-private and academic initiative promoted by the Corporation for the Promotion of Production (Corfo).

Geopolitics, Environmental Regulations, and Mineral Exports

Geopolitics and environmental regulations could potentially impact the exports of minerals from the region. Tanvi Sharma, Senior Research Analyst - Bulk Research, Drewry, highlighted this during the "Shipping Seminar 2024". The market behavior of various commodities relevant to our region, including iron ore and coal, is determined by a complex interplay of causes and effects.

Salmon Exports

ProChile has promising projections for the export of salmon. The Enexpro Sea Products 2024, an initiative that allowed 60 Chilean companies from Coquimbo to Punta Arenas to present themselves, was developed in Puerto Varas.

Corporate Tax Rate Reduction Proposal

The Chilean government's proposal to reduce the corporate tax rate to 25% is a bold strategy to stimulate economic growth and attract foreign direct investment (FDI). However, this measure has also sparked substantial debates about its fiscal, social, and economic impact, necessitating a balanced analysis of the benefits and risks.

Boom in Cherry Exports

There is a significant boom in the export of cherries from Chile to Asia. This surge in demand underlines the potential of Chile's agricultural exports and the opportunities it presents for foreign traders and investors.

  • Adolfo Rodríguez-Vargas, economista OCDE: “Las exportaciones van a mantenerse fuertes. El asunto es cuán sólida sea la demanda externa por los minerales que vende Chile” | Diario Financiero (Df.cl)
  • Acuicultura más agricultura: La gran oportunidad de crear una tercera industria en Chile - AQUA (Aqua.cl)
  • ¿Cómo la geopolítica y las normativas ambientales podrían afectar a las exportaciones de minerales de la región? - MundoMaritimo (Mundomaritimo.cl)
  • Las promisorias proyecciones de ProChile para las exportaciones de salmón (Salmonexpert.cl)
  • Evaluación de Propuesta de Reducción de la Tasa Impositiva Corporativa al 25% en Chile | Diario El Pulso desde O'Higgins para Chile y el mundo (Diarioelpulso.cl)
  • [VIDEO] Boom por las cerezas chilenas: conoce el significado detrás del furor en China por cargamentos (Soychile.cl)

Investment Projects and Trade Agreements Strengthen Chile and Indonesia's Commercial and Cultural Ties

This week, a series of significant events have occurred in the commercial and cultural sectors of Chile and Indonesia, highlighting the strengthening ties between the two countries.

The Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt company is mobilizing a significant investment in Indonesia for a nickel processing plant, backed by Ford Motor. This project represents a critical step in the supply of battery-grade nickel, vital for the electric vehicle market.

Chile is making progress in becoming the first country to open the South Korean market to fresh plums. The Agricultural Livestock Service (SAG) and Fruits of Chile have achieved advances for the opening of the South Korean market. This progress includes a technical public-private delegation making strides in the analysis of cold treatment in transit for Chilean fruit exports and electronic certification.

Japan is emerging as the premium market in Asia for Chilean salmon and trout exports, according to data provided by the National Customs Service's Department of Studies.

Chile and Vietnam have signed agreements on agriculture, defense, culture, and export promotion. These agreements further strengthen Chile's international relations and open new avenues for trade and cultural exchange.

In a significant event held in Beijing, China and Indonesia have signed agreements worth $10 billion, mainly focusing on key sectors such as green energy and technology. This Indonesia-China Business Forum marks a new chapter in the strategic relations between the two nations.

With the beginning of the fruit export season in Chile, the refrigerated container (reefer) market is experiencing a significant increase in rates, driven mainly by growing demand and equipment shortage. External factors, such as port congestion in Asia and strikes in the United States, are creating a domino effect that goes far beyond Chilean borders.

Due to better freight prices in Chile, shipping companies are prioritizing their resources there, reducing the availability of reefers in neighboring countries such as Peru and Ecuador. Chile is one of the main fruit exporters in the southern hemisphere, especially perishable products like cherries, blueberries, and grapes. These products require transportation under controlled refrigeration conditions to ensure their freshness in destination markets, particularly in North America and Asia.

  • Importante proyecto de inversión en Indonesia respaldado por compañías automotrices clave (Redimin.cl)
  • Chile avanza en ser el primer país en lograr apertura del mercado coreano para ciruelas frescas - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Japón se alza como el mercado premium de Asia para el salmón chileno (Salmonexpert.cl)
  • Chile y Vietnam firman acuerdos en materia agrícola, defensa, cultura y promoción de las exportaciones (Radiopaulina.cl)
  • Acuerdos Bilaterales: China e Indonesia firman tratos multimillonarios en tecnología verde (Redimin.cl)
  • Temporada Sudamericana de envíos de frutas: Escasez de contenedores refrigerados y alza de tarifas – Simfruit (Simfruit.cl)

Chile and Indonesia Strengthen Trade Relations: Fruit, Salmon, and Wine Exports on the Rise

The Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture reports on a series of significant developments in the bilateral trade relations between Chile and Indonesia. These developments include the expansion of Chile's fruit exports to Indonesia, the surge in Chilean salmon exports, and the opening of the Chilean market to Bolivian products.

As Chile gears up for the fruitful export season of 2024-2025, the Chilean ambassador in Indonesia, Mario Artaza, and the head of the Division of Agricultural, Forestry and Seed Protection of the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), Marco Muñoz, met with representatives of the Indonesian Quarantine Agency (IQA). The strategic discussions revolved around opening the market for fresh Chilean lemons, the entry of nuts with and without shell, progress in electronic certification, renewal of recognition of the Chilean safety system, and the export of frozen fruits.

Chile is also expanding its salmon exports to new countries, including Australia, which has approved Chile as compliant with its rigorous biosecurity standards (BICON) for salmonid importation. Chile's salmon exports play a crucial role in the national economy and in regions with strong aquaculture activity. In 2023, shipments of this product exceeded US$6 billion.

Meanwhile, negotiations are advancing for the opening of the Chilean market to Bolivian products. This is part of a decision to boost trade and strengthen bilateral economic ties. The products include milk, beef, oregano, avocado, llama meat products and by-products; Amazonian fruits, peanuts, almonds, honey, and eggs.

In other news, the East Java Multipurpose Terminal (EJMT) in Indonesia has partnered with Sinarmas LDA Usaha Pelabuhan (SLUP) for towing and pilotage tasks. Furthermore, Vina Santa Rita, a Chilean wine company, reported a slight increase in revenues during the first nine months of the year, with consolidated export market revenues increasing by 6.8%.

Lastly, the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) has inaugurated a record-breaking season of Chilean cherry exports, certifying the first 10 tons of this valuable fruit. With Chile established as a global leader in cherry production, this year is expected to set a new export record.

  • Chile busca nuevas oportunidades para exportar fruta a Indonesia | SAG (Sag.gob.cl)
  • Chile amplía exportación de salmón hacia nuevos países y suma Australia como nuevo mercado - Prensa Digital (Prensadigital.cl)
  • Avanzan negociaciones para apertura del mercado chileno a productos bolivianos  - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Indonesia: East Java Multipurpose Terminal se asocia a Sinarmas LDA Usaha Pelabuhan para labores de remolque y practicaje - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Ventas de Viña Santa Rita alcanzan los $ 121.387 millones en los primeros nueve meses del año | Diario Financiero (Df.cl)
  • Con el envío de las primeras 10 toneladas SAG inaugura temporada récord de exportación de cerezas chilenas - Araucanía Noticias Temuco (Araucanianoticias.cl)

Chile Expands Salmon Exports and Bolsters Trade Relations, Indonesia's EJMT Partners with SLUP, and Chilean Cherry Exports Set to Break Records

The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to report on several significant developments in the international trade space involving both Indonesia and Chile.

Chilean Salmon Exports

Chile has successfully expanded its salmon exports, with Australia now added to its list of market destinations. This move comes after Chile met the stringent biosecurity standards set by Australia (BICON) for salmonid imports. Chilean salmon exports, which surpassed US$6 billion in 2023, play a vital role in the national economy and in regions with robust aquaculture activity. The addition of Australia bolsters Chile's presence in markets such as the United States, Brazil, and Russia.

Chilean Market Opens to Bolivian Products

Chile and Bolivia are making significant strides in opening the Chilean market to Bolivian products, including milk, beef, oregano, avocados, llama meat products, Amazonian fruits, peanuts, almonds, honey, and eggs. This is part of a broader effort to invigorate trade exchanges and strengthen bilateral economic ties. The meeting to promote commercial exchange was presided over by Huáscar Ajata, Bolivia's Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration, and Claudia Sanhueza, Chile's Undersecretary of International Economic Relations.

Indonesia's EJMT and SLUP Partnership

In Indonesia, East Java Multipurpose Terminal (EJMT), a branch of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI), has appointed Sinarmas LDA Usaha Pelabuhan (SLUP) as its towing and pilotage provider. With this partnership, SLUP will deploy two port tugboats with a total engine power of 6,200 horsepower and provide Class 1 maritime pilot services to support the pilotage operations of the EJMT terminal and Lamongan Shorebase.

Vina Santa Rita's Sales and Chilean Cherry Exports

Vina Santa Rita reported a slight 0.3% increase in revenues during the first nine months of the year, totaling $121.387 billion. The consolidated export market, which includes Chile and Argentina, saw an increase in billing in Chilean pesos by 6.8%, reaching $61.935 billion pesos.

Meanwhile, the Chilean Agricultural and Livestock Service has launched an historic cherry export season, certifying the first 10 tons of this valuable fruit destined for demanding markets in China, India, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, and Spain. With Chile positioned as a global leader in cherry production, this year is expected to set a new export record.

  • Chile amplía exportación de salmón hacia nuevos países y suma Australia como nuevo mercado - Prensa Digital (Prensadigital.cl)
  • Avanzan negociaciones para apertura del mercado chileno a productos bolivianos  - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Indonesia: East Java Multipurpose Terminal se asocia a Sinarmas LDA Usaha Pelabuhan para labores de remolque y practicaje - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Ventas de Viña Santa Rita alcanzan los $ 121.387 millones en los primeros nueve meses del año | Diario Financiero (Df.cl)
  • Con el envío de las primeras 10 toneladas SAG inaugura temporada récord de exportación de cerezas chilenas - Araucanía Noticias Temuco (Araucanianoticias.cl)
  • ¿Por qué Indonesia bloqueó la venta del iPhone 16? (Biobiochile.cl)

Record Growth in Chilean Cherry Exports and Challenges in Wine Industry: A Weekly Overview from the Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture

The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to report on the promising developments in Chile's agricultural export sector, with a particular focus on the cherry and wine industries.

Chilean Cherry Exports Set to Soar

The 2024-25 season begins with high expectations for Chilean cherry exports, projecting a 59% increase from the previous year. The "Cherry Blossom" event in Chimbarongo, led by Claudia Soler, executive director of the Chilean Fruit Committee, announced plans to export a record 131,587,007 boxes of cherries, equivalent to 657,935 tonnes. This volume represents 27% of all fresh fruit exported by Chile. The event was attended by key figures including the Chinese Ambassador, Niu Qingbao, and the Minister of Agriculture, Ignacia Fernandez, both of whom highlighted the public-private collaboration in the sector.

Challenges in the Wine Industry

Despite the growth in volume of wine exports, the industry faces challenges with stagnant prices. The August 2024 report indicates a 7.7% increase in bottled wine shipments compared to the same month in 2023, but the value of the exports remained virtually unchanged, at a total of USD 119.7 million. The average price fell by 6.6%, standing at USD 30.2 per box.

China and the US Remain Key Export Markets

The Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa) reported a 10% increase in forestry and agricultural exports from January to September, reaching USD 15.215 billion. The main destinations for these exports were China (31%), the US (21%), Japan (4%), Mexico (4%), the Netherlands (4%), South Korea (4%), Brazil (4%), and Colombia (2%).

Meeting with President Gabriel Boric

Frutas de Chile held a meeting with President Gabriel Boric at La Moneda Palace to discuss matters aimed at boosting the development of the country's fruit sector, including the need to modernize and deepen the export agenda at an intersectoral level.

  • Chile proyecta crecimiento récord en exportación de cerezas para la temporada 2024-25 | Publimicro (Publimicro.cl)
  • Ojo con el vino: Exportaciones crecen en volumen, pero enfrentan desafíos de precio (Eltipografo.cl)
  • China y EEUU siguen siendo los principales destinos de las exportaciones forestales y agropecuarias de Chile - El Periodista (Elperiodista.cl)
  • Chile marcará un récord en cerezas: Proyectan un aumento del 59% en exportaciones (Eltipografo.cl)
  • Estiman que exportaciones de cereza aumentarán un 59%: China es el principal destino | Radios Regionales (Radiosregionales.cl)
  • Frutas de Chile se reúne con Presidente Gabriel Boric para reforzar agenda exportadora del país - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)

Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture: Weekly News Update

The Chilean-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Culture is pleased to bring you the latest updates in the world of commerce and culture between Chile and Indonesia. We have curated the most relevant news items to provide a comprehensive overview of the week's events.

Chile's Mining Education Initiative

Francisco Lecaros, president of the Mining Foundation of Chile, emphasizes that Chile should not only export minerals but also mining knowledge. The Foundation has launched a massive campaign to educate a million people about the importance of mining in their daily lives, offering educational games, maps, and brochures.

India: A Dynamic Market for Chilean Fruit

India emerges as one of the most dynamic markets for Chilean fruit exports, with a 53% increase in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period last year. India is now the fastest-growing market among the top 15 destinations for Chilean exports, according to data from the National Customs Service.

Chilean Agricultural Export Policies

Despite the positive results of agricultural exports, other indicators such as production levels, poverty rates in rural areas, and economic and social inequalities in family farming need to be considered for a comprehensive diagnosis of the national agrarian situation. According to the Central Bank data, the exports from the agricultural, forestry, and fishing sector reached $5.601 billion in the first half of this year, a more than 10% increase from last year.

Chile: Leading Lithium Producer

Chile remains the leading lithium producer in South America and second in the world, behind Australia. In 2023, national production reached 270,947 tons of lithium carbonate equivalent, a 4.3% increase from 2022 and a 120.5% increase from 2020. Production is projected to reach 275,000 and 285,000 tons in 2024 and 2025, respectively.

Salmon Market Continues to Rise

The price of farmed Atlantic salmon from Norway has fallen by 14% since June 2006, but the amounts achieved in August still far exceed those of 2005. Similarly, Chilean salmonids are experiencing a similar situation. The high prices in Europe and Japan have diverted national exports from their traditional market, the United States.

Chile-India Summit 2024

The Chilean Foreign Minister, Alberto van Klaveren, met with the Indian Ambassador to Chile, Abhilasha Joshi, to discuss the upcoming Chile Summit India 2024. This public-private event, organized by ProChile, aims to seek new opportunities in the Asian sector and strengthen ties between the two nations in terms of trade cooperation and initiatives to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.

  • Francisco Lecaros, presidente Fundación Minera: “Chile no solo debe exportar minerales, sino que también minería” - NOSTÁLGICA CL (Nostalgica.cl)
  • India se ubica como uno de los mercados más dinámicos para las exportaciones frutícolas chilenas – Simfruit (Simfruit.cl)
  • Exportaciones y políticas agrícolas – El Clarin de Chile (Elclarin.cl)
  • Chile sigue liderando la producción de litio en Sudamérica a la vez que cae valor de las exportaciones – Diario Chañarcillo (Chanarcillo.cl)
  • Comercialización de salmónidos continua al alza - AQUA (Aqua.cl)
  • Canciller se reúne con embajadora de la India previo al Chile Summit India 2024 - Minrel (Minrel.gob.cl)

Lithium Market Fluctuations and International Trade Challenges in Chile: A Weekly Update

The Indo-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture presents a summary of the week's most relevant news regarding the economic and commercial landscape in Chile. This includes the lithium market, international relations, and exports.

Chile's Lithium Market
The demand and production of lithium in Chile have experienced a decline, as reported by Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN. This decrease has had a significant impact on the market. However, despite this downturn, a report from the Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) projects a surplus of lithium in the country for the coming years. The report, titled "Lithium Market. Projection 2024 - 2025," covers various aspects such as demand, supply, production, exports, and the price of the mineral.

Chile's International Trade
The Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza, recently addressed the challenges of international trade at the UOH. The talk, titled "Chile and its Trade Policy," aimed to foster open and constructive dialogue about Chile's role in international commerce and the future challenges in exports. Sanhueza emphasized the objectives of the current trade policy and the ongoing agreements.

Chile's Exports to India
On a positive note, Chile's exports to India have seen a 53 percent increase, primarily driven by fruits, manufactures, and mineral products, as reported by Al servicio de la verdad. Key commodities include iodine, molybdenum, cellulose, and food items such as walnuts, apples, and kiwis. This upswing in trade is a testament to the efforts of ProChile, the foreign ministry's institution promoting the country's goods and services globally.

Economic Growth and Competitiveness in Chile
Economist Roberto Darrigrandi, in an interview with PortalPortuario, expressed concern over Chile's economic growth and competitiveness. Darrigrandi stated that Chile has not seen significant growth for the past decade and argued that the country's issues with productivity and competitiveness cannot be blamed on external global incidences. He emphasized the need for internal advancements and innovations, such as digitalization, to stimulate growth.

  • La caída en la demanda y producción de litio en Chile: impacto en el mercado - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (Redimin.cl)
  • Informe de Cochilco entrega proyecciones en torno al litio en el corto plazo - Mch (Mch.cl)
  • Subsecretaria de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales abordó desafíos del comercio internacional en la UOH – G5noticias (G5noticias.cl)
  • Superávit de litio en Chile se mantendrá en los próximos años - Revista Digital Minera REDIMIN (Redimin.cl)
  • Aumentan en 53 por ciento exportaciones de Chile a la India – Al servicio de la verdad (Cronicadigital.cl)
  • Roberto Darrigrandi: "Chile no crece hace diez años y no se puede culpar al mundo exterior" - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)

Indonesian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce: Review of the Week's Economic Developments

The Indonesian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Culture presents a summary of the week's economic developments, highlighting the fluctuations in exports, growth in key markets, and the potential for increased cooperation between Indonesia and Chile.

In the Arica and Parinacota region, the total exports registered in June 2024 amounted to $23.8 million, representing a negative variation of 15.4% compared to the same period of the previous year, according to the National Institute of Statistics. The sectors with the most significant participation were Industry, representing 73.9% with an interannual contraction of 25.5%, and Mining, which reached 23.0% of the total exported, with a twelve-month growth of 27.0%.

On a brighter note, the Valparaíso region witnessed an interannual variation of 31.8% in its exports in June 2024, totaling $490.3 million. The Mining sector led the way with a 67.2% participation, followed by the Industry sector with a 25.3% participation, primarily due to declines in Oil Refinery and Derivative Products activities.

Chilean exports grew by 1.4% in the first semester of 2024, with fruits and wines standing out in key markets such as the United States, Europe, and Brazil. This growth reflects the dynamism of shipments to the main international markets, emphasizing the need to reinforce service exports, expand the product portfolio, and pay special attention to items such as lithium, grapes, and wines.

However, a decline in salmon production negatively impacted exports, with a negative variation of 22.5% compared to the same month of the previous year. Despite the increase in shipments of meat, wool, hake, king crab, and sea urchins, the regional salmon farming industry experienced a significant downturn.

In Indonesia, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is increasing its contribution to societal welfare through the agricultural sector. The company implemented the Tajumase (Tani Maju Makmur Sejahtera) program in two villages, including Hadakewa Vowong in Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Finally, Indonesia, the fastest-growing economy in Southeast Asia, is inviting Chilean companies to invest and diversify their businesses with high-quality products and services at competitive prices.

  • Arica y Parinacota: Exportaciones decrecen 15,4% en doce meses - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Exportaciones de la Región de Valparaíso presentan variación interanual de 31,8% en junio de 2024 - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Agregados comerciales de Chile trazan su camino tras un semestre con cuentas a favor » DUPLOS.CL (Duplos.cl)
  • Cómo los fertilizantes indonesios maximizan el potencial agrícola en las zonas costeras de NTT - Natura Hoy (Naturahoy.com)
  • Baja en la producción de salmones fue el principal factor que jugó en contra de las exportaciones | La Prensa Austral (Laprensaaustral.cl)
  • Indonesia invita a empresas en Chile (Elproa.cl)

Indonesia-Chile Chamber of Commerce and Culture: Weekly News Report

September has been a significant month for both Chilean and Indonesian business and commerce, with a series of noteworthy events and achievements that have taken place in both countries.

In Chile, the Agriculture and Livestock Service of Biobío (SAG Biobío) held a meeting with representatives of blueberry exporting plants, reinforcing the country's commitment to agricultural exports. Additionally, the National Customs Service's Chemical Laboratory has recently achieved accreditation in the area of lithium products, a first in Chile. This accreditation, granted by the National Institute of Standardization (INN), strengthens the supervisory capacities of non-metallic mining exports.

Chile's foreign trade marked a new milestone this month, accumulating shipments valued at US$ 41.392 billion between January and mid-September, the highest level in history. This surpasses the previous record of US$ 40.573.9 billion totalized in 2005. The significant increase in copper prices, which have averaged US$ 2.98 per pound on the London Metal Exchange so far this year, largely contributed to this achievement.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the East Java Multipurpose Terminal (EJMT), a business unit of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) in Lamongan Regency, received two new post-Panamax mobile harbor cranes ESP.8 from Konecranes Gottwald. The new equipment will assist EJMT in handling bulk, project, and container cargo once the terminal begins operations in September.

Lastly, the General Director of ProChile has invited participation in the Silvoagricultural Contest 2025. This initiative is in line with the economic trends in the Chilean agricultural market, which must adapt to the challenges posed by climate change to maintain its position on the global stage. With its unique climatic conditions and rich agricultural heritage, Chile is one of the world's leading exporters of various products.

  • SAG Biobío se reunió con representantes de plantas exportadoras de arándanos | La Tribuna (Latribuna.cl)
  • Chile: Laboratorio Químico de Aduanas alcanza acreditación en área de productos de litio - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Indonesia: East Java Multipurpose Terminal recibe nuevas grúas post-Panamax - PortalPortuario (Portalportuario.cl)
  • Director General de ProChile invita a participar en Concurso Silvoagropecuario 2025 (Prochile.gob.cl)
  • Exportaciones alcanzan el nivel más alto de la historia - AQUA (Aqua.cl)
  • Tendencias económicas en el mercado agrícola chileno (Portalmetropolitano.cl)

Trade Trends